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Responsive email in Gmail

First things first Before you get all excited I should point out this is only for Gmail on desktop it doesn’t work in the Gmail app (where it would actually be useful), Google apps accounts or the new Google Inbox. Also big thanks and a lot of credit to Justin over at Fresh Inbox who came up with the technique… Read More »Responsive email in Gmail


HTML email game I built this a game for my talk at the Completely Email conference in London as a sequel to my previous experiment with an email game Splat the Fly. This time I decided to add a counter to keep score and to make it get harder as you go along. If you want to skip straight to… Read More »ThWack-a-Vole

CSS game in email

Splat the fly I’ve been talking a lot recently about interactivity in emails. Things like embedded HTML video, progressive disclosure and image carousels have really caught my eye, so I decided to try and create an interactive game contained 100% in the email. The concept The concept for my game is pretty simple, a fly moves around the screen, if… Read More »CSS game in email


A guide to using unicode in email I ❤ using unicode characters in emails. As I’m sure you’re aware some email clients don’t load images by default. But with unicode you can give you a reliable image of a basic icon, something like a ★ or a ❤ that you know will load. You can even use them as alt… Read More »Unicode

SVG images

Getting SVG images to work across email clients There seems to have been a lot of talk recently about SVG in email.  Anna Yeaman has done a couple of particularly good articles on the subject. I’m going to skip over a few things for now but I may flesh out this article at a later date.  I’m going to assume you… Read More »SVG images

CSS triangles

CSS triangles in HTML emails I’ve been using CSS triangles in web design for a little while but hadn’t considered using them in email until I got a design given to me the other day. What are CSS triangles? It does what it says, it’s a triangle shape made out of pure CSS.  The advantages of this method is a… Read More »CSS triangles

13 characters – Why isn’t responsive

Why isn’t Outlook.Com responsive? I noticed a while ago that was supporting media queries on there full sized site but not on their mobile version.  Yup, they got it the wrong way round. I tried a few tricks to try and get around this but to no avail so I decided to dig a little deeper. First off I downloaded an… Read More »13 characters – Why isn’t responsive